The Yakima Valley Audubon Society is people dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of the natural world. Through birding, education, and conservation activities in our community, we raise awareness and promote the cause of global environmental protection.

Bufflehead cropped
Burrowing Owl cropped
Ruddy Duck, Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona
A Western Meadowlark sings on a fence at at Pawnee National Grassland in Weld County, Colorado, on May 25, 2020. Weld County; Colorado; United States; North America; Places; Pawnee National Grassland; Icteridae; Passeriformes; Birds; Animals; Nature; West
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Upcoming Events

MARCH 2025

March 11 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm. YVAS Board Meeting. Zoom

March 21-23  Sandhill Crane Festival, Othello,

March 27 (Thursday) 7:00 pm. YVAS Program. Tom Kogut, expert wildlife photographer speaks about his travels to Brazil’s The Pantenal, the world’s largest wetland. Read more.

APRIL 2025

April  Bluebird Box Cleanout, TBD

April 5 (Saturday) Yakima Training Center Field Trip. Leader Scott Downes, Limited space. Must sign up with Scott by March 1. 

April 8 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm. YVAS Board Meeting, Zoom

April 12 (Saturday)  Field Trip. Second Saturday Bird Walk, TBD

April  (tentative) Arborfest, Yakima Arboretum

April 24 (Thursday) 7:00 pm.  YVAS Program. Sean Tait presents: The Intelligence of Trees.

MAY 2025

May 3 (Saturday)  Field Trip. Second Saturday Bird Walk, TBD

May  Yakima County Migration Count. Leader: Scott Downes,

May 9-11  KEEN Yakima Canyon

May 13 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm. YVAS Board Meeting. Zoom,

May 22 (Thursday)  YVAS Program: Ice Cream Social. Learn to use eBird!

JUNE 2025

June 1 (Saturday)  Field Trip: White Pass Highway. Woodpeckers & Songbirds. Leaders: Andy & Ellen Stepniewski,

June 5-8 (Thursday-Sunday) Washington Ornithological Society (WOS) and Western Field Ornithologists (WFO) joint conference, Yakima Convention Center. For details,

June 10 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm. YVAS Board Meeting. Zoom

June 14  (Saturday)  Field Trip. Second Saturday Bird Walk, TBD

Field Trips

Read more about field trips here.

Calliope Crier

Read about our upcoming Field Trips and activities, and all the ways you can get involved with the Yakima Valley Audubon Society.

Upcoming Program

Thursday, February 27, 2025, Sierra Downes on youth birding and birding camp opportunities. Zoom only, 7:00 pm

Join the Yakima Valley Audubon Society!

Join our field trips and support our conservation work.

Green-winged Teal, photo: Gerald Lisi

Barrow’s Goldeneye, photo: Alex Kistler

American Avocet, photo: Alex Kistler

American Bittern, photo: Alex Kistler