Birding in Yakima County
“It is a large county, encompassing 4,310 square miles, and boasts a remarkable diversity of habitats: from glaciers and “snow forests” near the Cascade Mountain crest-where precipitation and elevation are greatest on the western boundaries of the county-to the sun-baked, arid, rain shadow “desert” and shrub-steppe environments along the Columbia River. Between these two extremes, a complex mosaic of forested, non-forested, wetland, agricultural, and urban habitats provide breeding, wintering, and migration-period habitat for more than 300 species of birds.” ~ Andy Stepniewski, The Birds of Yakima County
Where to Bird
The following links will give information on some of the best birding areas in Yakima County. Another way to find those great birding locations is to join a YVAS field trip! You will meet birders with extensive knowledge of our local hotspots.
Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area
Toppenish National Wildlife Refuge
Birding the Yakima Area Arboretum
Yakima Area Wildlife Viewing Guide
A Birder’s Guide to Washington Online edition.
The Great Washington State Birding Trail
Birds of Yakima County Washington, Andy Stepniewski. Available through: Inklings Bookstore and Yakima Area Arboretum
Bird Checklists
Yakima County Bird Checklist (some bird names and/or their taxonomic order have changed)
eBird’s Bird Observations for Yakima County, including bar charts that show their occurrence for each month of the year
Washington Birder – information about county-by-county birding including checklists for each county

Chipping Sparrow, photo: Liz Jaffin

Tieton River Nature Trail, photo: Sarah Shippen
“Along valley or creek bottoms lie the riparian zones, and elsewhere locally, scattered lakes and marshes. Forming only a minor part of the landscape in the county, these wetland areas are, nonetheless, critically important for avian diversity and wildlife in general.”
~ Andy Stepniewski, The Birds of Yakima County, Washington

Bullock’s Oriole, photo: Karen Zook